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Prometeus | Stock Screener is on launch
Find out more on our features:
Worldwide coverage
35,000+ stocks daily updated
Access to the whole global stock market.
Prometeus has always up-to-date data of over 35,000 global stocks of any capitalization. From the Tech-Giant to the Emerging-MicroCap.
It constantly looks for new prices, statements, and reports to insert them into
the analysis engine.
Full stock analysis
35+ ratios and all figures by trend and distribution
Stocks are passed through X-Rays. Instantly.
Companies are deeply analyzed to reveal their pain points as well as their strengths.
The results are easily presented in smart sections (e.g. Debt Analysis, Income Statement Analysis, etc...)
Prometeus processes all the data of a company and its peers to give you the insight.
Instant and deep
Peers Comparison
One click to rule them all.
Each industry is different, so you simply can't ignore peers when looking at a company's fundamentals.
Prometeus embeds by-design an advanced Peers Comparison in every analysis. You will always be aware of a
stock context. In one click.
The most advanced
Dynamic Stock Screener
Reduce the complexity.
Find the value.
Discover high-quality stocks thanks to Dynamic Filters.
Dynamic Filters Technology (DFT) allows you to screen the market by comparing each stock to its own peers for decades of history and select only those that have been consistently over-performing the industry.
The crème de la crème directly served to you.
Discover Macro Insights with
Sector Analysis
Take a broader picture of the market.
Discover macro-trends of countries, sectors, and industries on any fundamental indicator.
Sector Analysis aggregates millions of financial statements to find out macro insights and trends.